Symptoms are a funny thing when it comes to healthcare. On one hand, they serve as valuable warning signals that something’s not working right. They’re the fire alarms of our bodies. But on the other hand, symptoms can’t be all that we

Pain can go away pretty quickly – best results come from fixing the overall function!
focus on, as they can be misread – something as small as a papercut can hurt like the dickens, while there are stories of individuals getting a limb bitten off by a shark and the adrenaline rush makes it so they don’t feel it until after the fact.
That’s why when I’m building up recommendations for patients, we usually try to shoot beyond pain relief and towards actually returning full function. For long-term results we need to take a look at how the spine is moving and breaking old movement habits, the rehabilitation of soft tissues around the spine, and getting things stable to minimize the risk of re-injury.
If a patient’s only goal is “hey Scott, make the pain go away”, I’ll do the best I can and be available for them if the issue comes back. But if you’re looking for a step beyond that, we have that as an option too!
- Dr. Scott Minton