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And the Award for the Best Sleep Position Goes To...

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping—crazy, right? But if you’re one of the many who often wrestle with their pillows, you’re probably thinking, “Feels more like I spend a third of my life trying to catch some Zzz’s!”

We hear you!  Let’s dive right in and talk sleep positions. It turns out, many experts recommend side-sleeping. Specifically, with a comfy pillow supporting your head and shoulders just right and another between your knees. Think about the pillow commercials you’ve seen—someone sleeping on their side, spine aligned, no pressure points—yep! Just like adjustments can help you move better, the right support can help you sleep better!

Tonight, as you’re drifting off, try this: ensure your nose and belly button line up. It’s a simple way to check if you’re aligned. And don’t forget that pillow between the knees — it can be a game-changer. And if you’ve been waking up to neck or back pain, you know who to call! Our team is standing by to help. Here’s to better sleep and waking up feeling like a million bucks. Sweet dreams!

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